Penis enlargement is a special surgery applied to men who want to have a bigger and thicker penis. It is carried out with two different methods, the details of which are given below.
Both procedures can be diversified with personalized methods. For this reason, men who have a request for penis enlargement should know that more than one procedure or a combination of these can be performed according to their anatomical structures.
Penis enlargement surgery is an operation that increases the self-confidence of men and opens the doors to a healthy sexual life. We offer high-quality services in the field of male genital aesthetics with techniques specific to our clinic.
Sexuality is a phenomenon involving complex relationships between couples and basic reproductive instincts. Having a large penis has promised "potency" and better sex life since ancient times. Anatomically, the structure that provides orgasm in women is the clitoris. The clitoris is not only female external genitalia as people perceive it. The clitoris has 2 legs similar to the penile corpus cavernosum. The movement of these legs basically provides orgasm in women.
This part of the clitoris is located in the first 4-5 cm of the vagina in women. In fact, an 8 cm penis would be enough when erected for these legs to move. But, as we just mentioned, sexuality is a very complex structure and anatomical explanations alone will not suffice. A longer and thicker penis can be more attractive to many women.
Penis consists of 2 parts, the inner part and the outer part, each of which is called the crus and is attached to the pelvis by ligaments. It is not possible to extend both parts with surgical methods. However, it is possible to make the penis appear longer by making the inner part of the penis protrude or by manipulations that will make the outer part appear larger.
If we explain the techniques in detail:
As we mentioned in the first part of our article, penis thickness has a more important place for an adequate sexual life. Our clinical experience on 500 cases performed in our clinic shows us that patient satisfaction is higher when penis enlargement surgeries are combined with thickening surgeries.
If we examine the penis thickening techniques:
Penile smooth muscle tone is the most important factor determining penile length in the lowered state.
The hardening parts of the penis consist of 3 structures:
When the penis is going to be erect, the nerve tissue stimulates, the smooth muscle relaxes with this stimulation, and blood fills the blood vessels. Smooth muscles are in a contracted state except during erection. Basically, the intensity of the contraction of these muscles determines the length of the penis in the lowered state. The most important factor that determines the length of the erect penis is your genetics. Many factors such as environmental factors and hormonal status can affect the penis size positively or negatively.
The development of the penis begins especially with the onset of puberty when the testosterone hormone increases, and the growth rate is high in the early stages of puberty. Although the development of the penis slows down in the following periods, it continues until the end of puberty, to the age of 19-20.
However, in cases with a hormonal disease, the development of the penis can also occur in the following years with hormone treatments. This does not apply to people with normal hormone levels. Taking too much hormone does not grow the penis.
A penis with normal erection functions is indispensable for a healthy sexual life. When men have sexual problems, they sometimes think that this is related to penis size.
There are some underlying reasons for this:
Penis thickness is at least as important as penis size. There should be sufficient penis thickness for the clitoral orgasm we mentioned in the previous section. It is very important for people who come with a request for penis enlargement to be evaluated together with their partners and to be treated together if necessary.
In the light of all this information, it is not possible to talk about the ideal penis size. Regardless of the age of men, the desire to have a larger penis should be accepted as natural.
We detect sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation) in a significant number of patients who apply to our clinic with a request for penis enlargement. In these cases, in our routine, we recommend that our patients be treated for sexual dysfunction first, and penis enlargement surgery be performed after 3 months.
Because we know that men whose sexual functions return to normal usually give up their requests for penis enlargement. If patients do not want to wait, we state that it is important to treat erection problems together with penile enlargement surgeries in terms of maximizing patient and partner satisfaction.
Micropenis is the name given to the penis with a length of 4 cm or less. In the presence of micropenis, patients should definitely undergo detailed hormone tests and if necessary, genetic tests. Micropenis is an important problem that should be treated by an experienced team. It should not be forgotten that this situation contains a signal that the reproductive potential of the patients may be affected negatively and should be followed carefully.
A buried penis is a condition characterized by changing dietary habits in recent years, sedentary life brought by modern life, excessive increase in the fat tissue on the upper part of the penis due to estrogens taken from the environment, and the embedding of the penis into the adipose tissue. Buried penis is an issue that should be considered and applied to a healthcare institution, as it can bring important health problems such as insulin intolerance due to increased adipose tissue.
Penis enlargement surgery does not have more risks than any standard surgery. Patients are not likely to experience erectile dysfunction in the future. It is sufficient to stay in the hospital for 1 night after penis enlargement surgery. You can return to your work in about 1 week and to your sexual life 1 month later after these surgeries. Our patients coming from outside the city or abroad can return to their countries after staying in Istanbul for 1 day.
When someone says Penis Enlargement Surgery in Turkey, they mean Istanbul. Istanbul is a city that this operations are performed frequently thus you can find the best prices and expertise in Istanbul. Of course there are multiple methods for penis enlargement surgery as we stated in our article. It is necessary to examine the patient, determine the anatomical structure of the patient and listen carefully to the patient's expectations to decide on the right technique for our patients. For this reason, examining patients and giving price information without a face-to-face meeting will bring unhealthy results.